Hello lovelies, I am back again with another post (I know two in a week - who am I these days?!!?) and that is because I wanted to share with you all about Mastercafe's new iced coffee range. 

If you are an avid follower of Oh So T you will know that having being a Law Student, then a Legal Practice Court & Masters student along with undertaking my Training Contract you will know that my blood is 80% coffee all of the time. I need caffeine to survive and I thrive off anything with coffee in it, even my alcoholic beverage of choice contains coffee - The traditional Espresso Martini.

Not only does Mastercafe's iced coffee look stunning (erm hello beautiful 100% recyclable packaging) it also has the benefit of being low calorie, low in sugar, low in fat BUT with a wonderfully high caffeine content. The coffees come in the three flavours featured above: Classico, which is espresso (81 kcals, strong & punchy); Mocha (105 kcals, Aromatic & Rich, also my ultimate favourite) and Latte (120 kcals, Indulgent & Creamy). The eco-friendly recyable point was also a real winner for me as there is nothing worse than wanting a tasty iced coffee only to consider how that treat is impacting on the planet. With Mastercafe you get the best of both worlds, a delicious iced coffee treat and 100% recyclable packaging - win win!!

I have been taking this coffee everywhere with me, its perfect to drink on the go you just open the can and take a swig and its also perfect for taking out in a re-usable cup with some ice which was perfect for when our favourite coffee places weren't open and I fancied an iced coffee for our daily walks. 

Of course, I wasn't one to just use Mastercafe's iced coffees for just drinking on the go I decided to try out a few recipes of my own. I had saw a few people re-create coffee cake and I thought to myself, YES I can do this, I was once like Mary Berry that type of talent doesn't just disappear over night. Well, as you can from the fact the above is a picture of a homemade Espresso Martini I was ultimately very very wrong. I burnt the cake and to be honest, wasted a good coffee that I could have enjoyed without almost burning my house down. 

After that event, I was a bit deflated and decided to have a drink. I thought ooh lets make a cocktail and then as if from the Espresso Martini gods themselves, the empty can glinted on my kitchen worktop and I knew this Espresso Martini was going to be a good 'un. 

For my rendition on an Espresso Martini you will need: 
  • Cocktail shaker (no seriously its much better)
  • Ice 
  • 45ml of Vodka (yes that much Vodka just trust me!)
  • can of Mastercafe iced coffee Classico
  • 20ml coffee liqueur
  • 3 coffee beans for garnish
Add all of your ingredients into said cocktail shaker with the ice and shake for around a minute. Strain and pour and hello Espresso Martini. 

If you don't like alcohol or aren't a fan of Espresso Martinis, Mastercafe's iced coffees are also a great hangover cure for a 'pick me up' when you've had one too many Espresso Martinis!

I had such a great night creating our little lockdown Espresso Martinis and I've really enjoyed sipping on my iced coffees during our walks. Mastercafe have very kindly given me a discount code for you all to use if you would like to make a purchase here! A box of 12 iced coffees is £18 (I'm sure you can all agree that is an amazing price for 12 delicious coffees considering an iced coffee form the local coffee shop is around £3.50 at its cheapest). You can chose a pack of 12 of your favourite flavours or a mixed box (what I had) where you get 4 of each flavour. 

Our discount code is 'OST10' and if you enter this at the checkout you'll receive 10% off your order, Mastercafe also offer free delivery on their products as well. This isn't an affiliate code just a really lovely offer from Mastercafe's wonderful team! 

I'd love to know if you make a little purchase and for your opinions to see if you loved Mastercafe's products as much as we did. A huge thank you to their team for allowing us to be apart of spreading the word. We're total converts to Mastercafe Iced Coffee now and no other canned coffee compares. 

I hope you all enjoyed our Espresso Martini recipe and don't forget to check Mastercafe out via their socials and the link above. 

Until Next Time 

**Quick disclaimer - these items were gifted to me, however I was under no obligation to post about these products and all opinions and views are my own. 

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  1. This looks soooo good. Definitely going to be trying this out!


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