Hello Lovelies!!!
It is that time of year again where Blogmas comes around and surprises us all. Now, I have never in my whole time of blogging successfully completed Blogmas. I have come pretty close but lost track during the festivities and ended up a few posts short. 2020 could be the year this all changes as lets face it, no-one is having Christmas parties nor is anyone socialising with friends unless it is through Zoom or Microsoft teams.
I must admit that the hardest part of Blogmas for me is simply deciding on what on earth to write about... The possibilities are endless, dependent upon your niche, and you can add your own spin on some festive favourites.
I thought I would kick off this years Blogmas with some post ideas I have been researching and loving! Of course, I will have my own spin on these ideas (as will you), but I absolutely love seeing what ideas people have come up with for their version of Blogmas!
1. Gift Guide Ideas:
I love seeing what gifts everyone has purchased for each other. In fact, I have gotten some of my best present ideas from such posts and who doesn't love spreading some festive cheer by showcasing the thoughtful ideas you have come up with. A firm favourite of mine is budget Christmas present ideas and I think this will be a post that gains high traffic this year.
2. Stocking Filler Ideas:
This kind of flows from post idea number 1, however I have struggled badly this year trying to come up with stocking filler ideas. I am a sucker for funny little gifts and poundland, Home & Bargains and B&M always come through when I need them to. Perhaps I am too early this year, but I have found hardly any reasonably prices stocking fillers. If you are planning to do a post on these, please send me the link as ya gal really needs some ideas.
3. Favourite Christmas Films
Obviously, this post was going to feature on the Blogmas 2020 list. I have soo many favourites - The Grinch & The Nightmare Before Christmas (this is 1000% a Christmas film so don't @ me haha). I wanted to do a Christmas film advent this year, but considering we never leave the office on time - it isn't happening!
4. A Christmas Tag
There will likely be a few of these floating around in the next couple of days so make sure to reach out to other bloggers or maybe even create your own and tag your blogger friends to join in. This is a lovely way to connect with other bloggers and spread some links to get some Christmas cheer (and by that I mean boost the pesky Domain Authority).
5. How to throw a virtual Christmas Party
The post I wrote about celebrating a Birthday during lockdown blew up earlier this year. I threw the old ex a virtual Birthday festival and a lot of people loved it. Be creative with this one as, again, I think it will be a high traffic generator and certainly one I will be keeping my eye out for since I'm hosting the girls zoom Christmas get together - Christmas jumpers will be included!
6. Christmas Eve Box ideas
This is something I did last year for the family as it was my first Christmas owning my own house (don't ask me how that went 'cause 2020 was kinda hard on me and I now pay a mortgage for a house I don't occupy - Love that for me). This can be an ideas post or even one showing off what you are putting in yours. My parents always get me something creative so I imagine I will have new PJS, a bottle of Gin and a colouring book - #winning
7. How to deal with anxiety during Christmas
This year has been one hell of a ride for my mental health and from speaking to a lot of you, you feel the same. Christmas can be a difficult time anyways (yes Nan, I am looking at you here for bantering about the shambles that is my life), but this year we all have the added pressure of whether we are putting our families at risk due to COVID. Those of us who have found some way of coping with this year may want to share some of our top tips to help others who may be struggling.
8. Christmas outfit ideas
Something I spend half my life on is stressing about what to wear. I have an entire wardrobe and then some and I still always panic. This could be done as a few of your own ideas using items in your wardrobe or a Wishlist of outfits you think would look good.
9. Your signature hot chocolate recipe
Every family has their own twist on what makes a hot chocolate the best ever! Why not share your recipes with your readers and spread some festive cheer on your socials! I probably should do this post myself as the Harrison family have a pretty decent recipe (to be shared at a later date)
10. Your Christmas Wishlist
If you're fed up of hinting to your significant other or family, perhaps writing a Christmas Wishlist post will help get the hint across. To any family reading this, the engagement ring is officially off the cards so I shall be requesting one doggo!
11. Essentials for a Christmas movie night
100% have thrown a few Christmas movie nights in November! Share your essentials and tips for getting all the family involved!
12. How you have decorated your home for Christmas
I am far too nosey to not love these posts and I always think 'ooh, I could pick up something like that tomorrow'. We have gone for a Midnight Blue and Silver tree this year and I LOVE IT! I am also assuming that at this point you will have your decorations up!
13. Your Christmas menu
I must admit, Mum and Dad are cooking this year so I won't be able to do this one. However, it doesn't mean I can't have envy at those of you who can!
14. What is a typical Christmas like in your family?
Again, this is another type of post I love because each family has their own traditions and quirks.
15. Christmas Recipes
If your family has a special recipe or even if you like to make an alcoholic beverage such as Mulled Wine this would be an ideal post and likely to generate some decent traffic if you optimise via Pinterest.
16. A Christmas DIY post
This could be anything to do with Christmas such as Cards, Gifts (candy cane vodka is a premium homemade gift, just buy the vodka as no-one wants moonshine) or even a wreath.
17. A Christmas food guide or review of a local menu
Coronavirus is going to ruin this one if you are in Tier 3 (we've been there since July with zero signs of being moved out of it), but if you aren't feel free to go crazy with these types of guides. So many people want to support independents at the moment and it is a great way to give back and support small businesses.
18. How to organise/ plan for Christmas
These are usually the types of YouTube videos I watch and I have a list as long as my arm of things to organise before the festive period. As this post would be a week before the big-day it might be one to schedule earlier unless it would be smaller things such as your room or one room in your home.
19. Winter self-care tips
Some of my most popular posts have been regarding dealing with stress and having a 'me day'. I think we can forget to have some self-care time so a little post on a routine that makes you feel better would be a great thing to share.
20. A festive bucket list
Probably a little harder to do this year but you could be inventive with it and post about the things you really want to do and enjoy this Christmas.
21. Must watch Christmas TV
I used to love flicking through the Christmas TV Guide and circling the best shows. I now use an app for it so kinda takes away from the experience but a round up of the much watch shows would be a good introduction to the true festive posts.
22. 10 things you love about the festive season
A lot of people love to hear what others like about the festive period and I am no stranger to a google of this or clicking on people's tweets and Instagram posts. I highly recommend sharing what you love and interacting with your readers about what they love to.
23. Last minute gift ideas
Perfect for those of us who have forgotten someone on our Christmas list and need some thoughtful last minute ideas. I will likely be scouting these posts for some extra ideas as I never think I have gotten people enough. Nightmare!
24. Our Christmas Eve traditions
Each family, again, has their own traditions and I am sure everyone loves to find new ideas/ share what their family does on Christmas Eve. The pub is not top of my list but I shall be making an effort this year to meet friends for a drink.
25. What I got for Christmas
If you aren't going to have a day off on Christmas Day, why not get started on this post. I personally love to see what other people got, but appreciate this may come across as bragging. Maybe show off what your family got from you in a different twist on this style of post.
26. Boxing Day Traditions/ How you spend your boxing day
I personally get drunk at my Nan's house and demonstrate why I am the family disappointment (I'm not actually that bad but its good banter). A lot of you tend to go shopping or visit other family so this would be a nice post to round up the traditions segment of your Blogmas.
27. Your top purchases for the Boxing Day Sales
I have seen this done either via stories or in Blog posts and I love to see both. Why not highlight a haul via your stories and then link to the post rounding up the bargains you got.
28. Preparing for New Years Eve
This could take many forms, such as how to not be hungover on New Years Day (an absolute top tip for me here - actually eat!) or getting your house ready or even outfit ideas. Anything that springs to mind to help change the dynamic to New Years celebrations.
29. How you will be celebrating New Year in 2020
Again, this post will be vastly different dependent upon the Tier system. A lot of people will want creative ideas to get all the family and friends involved and could be a high traffic generator. Certainly one to get on Pinterest and your socials.
30. Looking back on your year
I feel the end of December is a great reflection time and it will certainly help you feel proud of what you have achieved. Especially after the year everyone has had, I'm looking forward to reading these posts and seeing all your achievements. I personally ran 5k without stopping for the first time since Year 11 and I can tell ya that is the highlight of my 2020 goals to date!
31. New years goals/ blogging goals
I write these kinds of posts every year. I actually laugh when I look at my 2019 list of goals. What a year 2020 has been but we can all push forward for 2021 and make it the best year ever!
Hopefully the above has given you all some cheeky ideas of the types of post you could write for Blogmas. I will likely use a few of them, but doubt I will be participating fully in Blogmas this year. I adore blogging and everything that comes with it but I think I will be spending a lot more time with those dear to me and time away from my social media! Don't forget to let me know if you use these prompts in the comment section as I love to hear from you!
Until Next Time
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