As it's the first day of Blogtober and also my first full day of being 24, I thought I would get a bit philosophical on the blog...
I saw a quote recently that really resonated with me and it has dominated my mind for weeks:
Each and every day you grow as a person, each little interaction changes who you are and places you on the path you're destined to go down. Sometimes, we tend to fight that evolution because we are terrified to grow outside our comfort zones...
For me, I was terrified that by growing as a person I was going to lose my safe little comfortable bubble, but by holding myself back I'm stopping myself from living! By being so afraid to grow as a person I've missed out on so much, for example the random girls holidays abroad making crazy memories. I look back and think of all the things I've said no to when in reality I should have said yes, those little leaps of faith that I failed to take could have changed everything.
When I sit back and think of what I've stopped myself from doing, because I was always afraid that by being the real me I'd lose this perfect life I had moulded for myself. I've realised that isn't the case...The people who love you will love you for being you. They don't expect you to shrink yourself to fit into their ideals and norms. They will embrace the changes and help you on your journey of discovering who the f**k you are...
A very wise person recently told me that I need to sort my shit out for me and for no-one else but me... I thought they meant by being the perfect adult and having the illusion of having my shit together... I was wrong. What they actually meant was I need to find the ME WHO I WANT TO BE and not the me who I think the World has to see! After that, everything else, including the right people, will fall into place.
Whether this journey leads me to building onto the life I already have, but as a much bubblier and happier person or if this journey leads me to paving a new life for myself down a completely different direction, it's a journey that I have held myself back from for far too long and something that dawned on me yesterday when I hit the age of 24.
The most frustrating part of this for me, is no-one else has caged me but myself... After finally reconnecting/ meeting a group of gals who are the perfect mix of best friends and alcoholics I've realised that things really need to change. Once you've found the right tribe with the right vibes you discover the person who you really want to be. A lot of people have grown recently and I am so excited to take you on this next Chapter with me!
I am a great believer in fate and that everything happens exactly as it should. As you grow so do the people around you and they can either fight the change or they can roll with it.
What I really want to say is don't do a me! Do not cage yourself, let your wings spread and be the person you want to be... Everything else will then fall into place.
Until Next Time
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